Wednesday, July 4, 2007

exhausted/elated...but mostly exhausted

it's 11:30am and i just woke up. i didn't get enough sleep and i'm hoping i'll be able to back to sleep soon but unfortunately i think that it's one of those things where the more i want to sleep the less i'll be able to. i'll probably just write emails and finish my fourth book thus far (sidenote: dara horn's novel, "the world to come" was absolutely phenomonal and i highly recommend it - esp if you like jonathon safron foer). i only went to bed around 7:30am, after having been on set for 11 hours, and awake for 22 (not counting a nap from 4-5 and a shorter nap from 1:15am-1:45am...which was really just me passing out in a chair on set...).

the night shoot was absolutely incredible and fun. the male star who was working on his scenes was SO MUCH more fun/friendly than the woman from tuesday (neha), and also a much better dancer -- he was actually surprisingly coordinated considering he's 6'3'' and absolutely an enormous person. the picture above is of one of the assistant choreographers going over the opening sequence of the chorus with the dancers on the pub set they created from scratch (and will soon destroy very violently)-- a very fun scene.
we didn't burn down the set last night b/c of the rain, so we're scheduled for another night shoot tonight where we'll get the last of the shots needed and then burn the whole thing down and explode some TV sets. the rain delayed the whole shoot by about 2-3 hrs yesterday b/c right when they'd finished putting this fuzzy white fabric on the walls and hanging heavy red curtains as drapes to make the ceiling of the bar, the tarp that had been the ceiling for the set collapsed with the weight of the rain, making it necessary to make a lot of adjustments/rebuild a bunch of shit. towards the end of last nights shoot (actually more around 3am...4 hours before the end of last night's shoot...) another huge bulge of water was showing through the tarp and threatening to drop right on top of the camera/set/dancers/etc but luckily the wind never picked up again and didn't rain hard enough to send the whole thing to shit.

i had an absolute blast hanging out with the dancers and talking to the choreographer's assistants and just wandering. we have absolutely no purpose on set other than to observe and chat-- which is nice for a little while but it gets a little frustrating being so useless. especially frustrating when the song we were shooting was super catchy and the choreography was really fun and i just wanted to be dancing on camera instead of sitting and wistfully watching the entire time. however, safeena made it seem as though interning w/ a choreographer was not a difficult thing for her to set up so fingers crossed i'll spend the last month here doing nothing but dancing.

also- i'm starting yoga tomorrow~! i haven't really elaborated much on how ridiculously inexpensive everything here is, but i will tell you that to have an instructor come to my flat and teach me yoga three times a week costs 3000 rupees, which breaks down to around $7 an hour. meals rarely cost more than $2, and transportation from my apartment to anywhere in my neighborhood is usually less than that. it's a little ridiculous.

that's all for now. i'm going to eat something and try to go back to sleep.
PS you have to click on the title of this post to be able to see the picture....don't ask why i don't know and can't make it work without doing that...


Anonymous said...

Hannah, I just read your whole blog in one sitting, and i can't get over what an incredible, uncanny experiance india sounds like. Your nonchalant mentionings of monsoons and whatnot really makes israel sound like the 51st state, hah. It sounds like you survived the initial bitch slap of culture shock really well, kutos. KEEP POSTING for your audience at home, ya hear?
-Emily Praying Mantis Zurow
ps. NO CROCKS?! long live tevaaaaaas

Anonymous said...

Hannah, I just read your whole blog in one sitting, and i can't get over what an incredible, uncanny experiance india sounds like. Your nonchalant mentionings of monsoons and whatnot really makes israel sound like the 51st state, hah. It sounds like you survived the initial bitch slap of culture shock really well, kutos. KEEP POSTING for your audience at home, ya hear?
-Emily Praying Mantis Zurow
ps. NO CROCKS?! long live tevaaaaaas

Rachel said...

... "she was so bad even the ceiling was crying..." LOVE IT.

yesterday we were going to this fancy restaurant in the mission with jake and his parents and this guy starts staring at us (read: me) and jake got really creeped out. which is legit, b/c it was a creepy thing to happen and the mission is a creepy place. anyway, so i look, and it's this guy with this really hipster outfit (peg jeans and a vest and a pirate shirt and a beret) and a ridiculous mustache .... and it was jordan (!). Bizarre. I know he lives in the same city that i do, but ... he doesn't really. anyway, it turns out that he got a kitten and he doesn't go out anymore so he can stay home and be a parent to the kitten. "he's turned his life around." it's pretty amazing. strange. thought of you. he asked how you were, and i said that you were in india (which didn't really answer the question) and he seemed suitably impressed.

so funny. i love you.

ps - how did the bloggy thing know i was rachel?! I didn't give it an identity!? creepy indians. they have their eyes on everything!

Anonymous said...

rachel and jake are here. lovely to see them both they are already talking smack about you....
we miss you. yesterday i was listening to some women in whole foods, i asked what language they were speaking it was kashrundi or something dialect west of mumbai. she said you'd be fine.

i will write more later your sister is being a pill( and I love it). mom