Friday, July 6, 2007

fire and rain!

not natural rain this time, fake rain! and huge flamethrowers~! another long night on set (got back at 7:30 again and am again having trouble catching up on sleep -- hopefully i won't get sick but i already feel stuffy from lack of sleep, i'm taking cold meds to try and stave it off so fingers crossed...)

we mostly finished close ups and then shot the main 'dance break' of the song. this song is the second scene in the movie, and the introduction to the main guy character -- the male actor i talked about before, sidanker -- it's his first big role in a film but both of his parents are stars so he kind of has a head start, even so he gets very insecure at times and needed constant reassurance that he was doing well, kind of cute, kind of annoying. the song is an indian pop song from about three years ago that they remixed for the movie (a very common thing here) called "fire and rain" all about how the woman he's talking about is so elemental and beautiful that she has a power like fire and rain over him...or something like that...i think the real meaning gets more than a little lost in translation.

i manuevered my way behind the dancers/choreographer when they were teaching/rehearsing the dance break (a very "western style" (read: hip hop) dance) and was ultimately depressed by how long its been since i've danced and how ridiculously slow i've gotten at picking up choreography - but happy that i got a chance to move a little after just sitting around on set for hours on end.

later on i was talking to an extra while they were re-setting the lights and he asked my what i was doing on set (a common question that i get, no surprise) - and i responded "nothing" (which is true) and he said "oh - me too!" -- only his nothing was being done on screen and mine was off. i still found it amusing. after that he preceeded to ask me questions about what drugs people do in the states:

do they do the E? (yes) do you do the E? (no) what about the cocaine? (we have it - i don't do it) why don't you do the cocaine? (...)

it was odd and amusing.

for the final shot of the night they did they did the showstopping elements - namely adding two huge flame throwing things to the back of the set and soaking the entire set in fake rain at the same time and having the dancers/sidanker dance all crazy-like. it was very intense and fun to watch during the takes - i could feel the heat from the flames ten feet off set so i can't really imagine what it was like to be in the middle of the dance floor - although i guess the rain would balance out the heat...?

we have today off and then we're back on set saturday to finish the scene/film (these have been the last four days of production for the entire film) -- which is good and bad b/c i need today off but at the same time i needed saturday to go to south mumbai and go shopping for clothing b/c i'm out of shirts and even though i'm planning sending my stuff to the laundry service today it's 48hr laundry so that still means i will be shirtless tomorrow... i'm sure i'll figure something out...

YOGA: my instructor is this odd little man, who gave me a signed copy of his book and an exercise map (and then charged me for both at the end of the hour...) -- he definately knows his shit but i've never really thought of myself as a "yoga person" and after the first hour i am still kind of wary but if there's ever a time/place to become (or at least try to become) a yoga person it's in india w/ my own yogi. i need to continue pestering safeena about finding me a dance studio though...that's a definate priority. it's weird that i haven't really exercised in about a year and now that i'm in the most miserable climate imaginable my body is just craving activity. it's a good feeling that i haven't had in a while.

i have more to say about india in general (details unrelated to day-to-day activies) but this post is getting long so i'll save them for later.

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